Real training. Real people. Real work.


3800 Michigan Avenue, Fort Myers, FL  33916

Industry Certifications

Holding a nationally recognized industry certification or license in your field is a powerful tool in your job search tool kit. Here are some reasons you should earn a nationally recognized certification:

  • Certification provides a high level of credibility – a third party has validated that you meet the industry standard.
  • Certification demonstrates that you have a high level of commitment to your field of practice.
  • Certification or licensure may be necessary to meet employer or governmental requirements.
  • Certification increases an employers’ confidence in your skills and abilities.
  • Certification demonstrates to the public, your co-workers, and the industry that you are qualified and competent.
  • Certification proves you take pride in your profession and in maintaining up-to-date skills and knowledge.
  • Certification is recognized by employers as a standard of competence and it can offer tangible rewards such as increased earning power and job opportunities.
  • Certification is a way to demonstrate that you have those skills unique to your profession.
  • Certification can help you stand out in today’s competitive job market and broaden your employment opportunities by displaying your advanced skills, and result in higher earning potential.

In today’s job market, you WANT to prove you’re at the top of the game!