Employers – Job Postings
Fort Myers Technical College uses College Central Network as its official resume and job posting service. Local employers post jobs exclusively to our school via the CCN site. Students and alumni create your account profile at www.collegecentral.com/fortmyerstech to:
- Easily search and apply to local and national Full-time, Part-time, Internship/Co-op job opportunities
- Create and upload your resume and career portfolio to make available to employers
- Access event announcements, career advice documents, podcasts, videos, and articles
The Career Specialist, administration, and instructors combine efforts to provide a link between employers who wish to hire students and students who are actively seeking full- or part-time employment.
A team approach involving the Career Specialist, instructors, and advisory committee members provides the newest information about employment trends to students. Employability skills training is presented to students individually, in classroom activities, and through mini-workshops. Career fair and job fair locations and dates are posted for students through College Central and emailed to instructors to share with students.
If your business is interested in participating in a Career Fair, please contact Jarrod Demming.