Real training. Real people. Real work.


3800 Michigan Avenue, Fort Myers, FL  33916


The Bureau of State Approving Agency for Veterans Training has approved many of the certificate training programs offered at FMTC. The VA Certifying Official is located in the Financial Aid Office. To apply for or re-activate your VA educational, please complete the requisite forms online.

How to apply for VA Benefits:

Login at, click on apply on line, click on education (drop down box), follow the directions to apply for Education Benefits or to change program/place of training if you have used your benefits previously. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

All students must use the following school information:

Fort Myers Technical College – Facility code: 15142010
3800 Michigan Avenue
Fort Myers, FL 33916

Print your application after submitting to VA and bring the following documents to the financial aid department:

  • Copy of your DD214 member—4 form
  • Letter of eligibility (if applicable) or copy of statement of benefits
    • Military transcripts— Official copy
  • Military transcripts can be requested at:
  • All other post-secondary official transcripts.

All information should be submitted prior to the first day of class, at: Fort Myers Technical College, building C. Please call 239-334-4544 with any questions.

The following regulations apply:

Within 30 days of the first day of class, the enrollment certification is reported to the Department of Veterans Affairs for processing. The Department of Veterans Affairs will send the benefit amount directly to the entitled individual (except for CH 33). The student must pay all fees upon registration (chapter 33 students with 100% eligibility are excluded from this requirement). The student is eligible for educational benefits for the length of the program as approved by DVA. The student must check with the schools’ VA Certifying Official to verify DVA approval of his/her program length. Online programs are not eligible for VA benefits. VA does not pay for a Leave of Absence. All veterans receiving educational benefits are subject to the policies and procedures of the school.

Standards of Progress and Attendance:

  • All veterans receiving educational benefits while attending FMTC are subject to the general policies and procedures of the school and the specific requirements of the Veterans Administration.
  • The veteran student must be under the direct supervision of the instructor at all times and be enrolled as a FULL TIME student (minimum 18 hours a week).

Veterans Attendance Policy

Early departures, class cuts, tardies, etc., for any portion of a class period will be counted as actual clock-hour time missed.

Students who, for any reason, miss more than 20% of the total scheduled course hours in a calendar month are considered to be in violation of the attendance policy and the student will be placed on attendance probation for one (1) month for unsatisfactory attendance. If the student fails to meet attendance standards the following month, her/his unsatisfactory will be reported to VA via a termination.

In order to show that the cause of unsatisfactory attendance has been removed, students must not miss more than 20% of the total scheduled hours in one calendar month after being terminated for unsatisfactory attendance. After such time, the student may be recertified for VA education benefits.

The student’s attendance record will be retained in the veterans’ file for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and State Approving Agency audit purposes.

Standards of Academic Progress for VA Students

Students receiving VA educational benefits must maintain a minimum cumulative grade average (CGA) of 75% (most Health Science 80%) each semester (term, quarter, semester, evaluation period, etc.).

A VA student whose cumulative grade average (CGA) falls below 75% (most Health Science programs 80%) at the end of any semester (term, quarter, semester, evaluation period, etc.) will be placed on academic probation for a maximum of one consecutive term of enrollment. If the VA student’s CGA is still below 75% at the end of the term of probation, the student’s VA educational benefits will be terminated.

A VA student terminated from VA educational benefits due to unsatisfactory progress may petition the school to be recertified after attaining a CGA of 75% (80% Health Science).

Credit for Previous Training:
Students must report all education and training. The school must evaluate and grant credit, if appropriate, with the training time shortened, the tuition reduced proportionately, and the VA and student notified.

Veterans Resources


Help a Hero – Veterans’ Scholarships

Mesothelioma Veterans Center