Specialized Career Instruction – Comprehensive
Program Start Date August 7, 2024
Have you always dreamed of going to college, but worried that it might be out of reach?
The purpose of this individualized job preparatory program is to provide specialized career education for students with significant cognitive/learning disabilities. The goal is integrated competitive employment in the student’s chosen occupation. The program is individualized for each student and documented in an individualized plan of study (IPS). Instruction is competency-based with integrated academic, technical, and problem-solving skills. The IPS consists of standards and benchmarks selected from one or more CTE programs to create an individualized plan of study for each student. Documentation of standards and benchmarks previously mastered should be reviewed in order to develop an individualized plan of study that further guides the student toward his or her employment goals.
Specialized Career Instruction offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Instructional Support Services career cluster; it provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the related career cluster.
Specialized Career Education, Basic 1
Course #: SLS0460
Hours: 150
Specialized Career Education, Basic 2
Course #: SLS0461
Hours: 150
Specialized Career Education, Basic 3
Course #:SLS0462
Hours: 150
Specialized Career Education, Advanced 1
Course #: SLS0463
Hours: 150
Specialized Career Education, Advanced 2
Course #: SLS0464
Hours: 150
Specialized Career Education Internship
Course #: SLS0944
Hours: 150
900 hours – Approximately 8 months
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Approximately $3,586
Specialized Career Instruction-Comprehensive Fee Sheet 2425
What You’ll Learn
- Self-Advocacy
- Self-Determination
- Determining Realistic Employment Goals
- Work-Related skills
- the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of employment
- job seeking and employability skills
- employability skills
Industry Certifications
- Osha-10 General
- S/P2 Professional Skills
- ETA Customer Service Specialist
Course Projects
- Shark Tank
- Career Exploration
- Job Shadowing
Career Ready Skills
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
- Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
Steps to Enroll
- Contact HIRE staff for interview and shadow visit
- Provide Supporting documentation (IEP, Vocational Rehab Evaluation) to determine eligibility
- Take the CASAS test, if applicable
- Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
- Apply for financial aid (official transcripts required)
- Provide appropriate residency documents
- Complete application packet
- Pay application fee
HIRE Program Coordinator
- Renato Freitas
- RenatoF@leeschools.net
- Ryan White
- RyanCW@leeschools.net
- (239) 334-4544 ext. 225