Online Programs
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Online Programs & Courses Information
Fort Myers Technical College offers distance education (online) courses and programs that fall into two major categories:
- Programs and courses that are entirely online and can be completed 100% online
- Programs and courses are identified as hybrid.
A hybrid program can have up to 49% percent of the online curriculum designed to be completed off-campus.
Online learning offers a flexible, convenient format while maintaining the same standards of instructional quality as our traditional programs. In addition, all online Career Technical Education (certificate) programs have the same accreditation, transfer, and articulation as traditional programs. Financial aid is available to eligible students enrolled in distance education programs with the exception of students eligible for veterans (VA) educational benefits. Only programs taught in the traditional, on-site/classroom setting are approved for veterans’ benefits. Courses taught in whole or in part in a distance learning, online, blended, hybrid and/or independent student format are not approved for veterans (VA) benefits. Please refer to the Financial Information section of the catalog for further clarification on this topic.
How does online education work? Online education means that you complete your work within a specific timeframe. While there will be deadlines and due dates, you’re largely on your own when it comes to setting up a study schedule, a format that works well for some but creates trouble for those prone to procrastination. Each week there are a number of required assignments and weekly self-reporting of your active participation. Engagement with classmates and your instructor will take place on-line.
At Fort Myers Technical College, online learning is about more than using Internet tools. Distance education students have access to the same full range of services as traditional students including academic and career advising, financial aid, and job placement. The distance education faculty and staff recognize the unique needs and circumstances of online students from at-home parents to full-time workers to out-of-area learners. Fort Myers Technical College’s Distance Education department strives to help students be successful in their online learning experience and to meet their educational, personal, and career goals.
Each program’s distance education status can be found on the program page on the school’s website and in their program description in the school’s catalog.
- High-speed Internet connection
- Latest version of an Internet browser such as Google Chrome (preferred for Blackboard), Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari
- Latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)
- Latest version of JAVA software (free)
Below are some frequently asked questions:
- Is online learning right for me?
- Do I need a special computer or software?
- How do online classes work?
- What is the cost of distance learning classes?
Is Online Learning right for me?
Is Online Learning Right For Me?
In general, the people most likely to be successful in online courses are:
- Very comfortable working independently
- Persistent at getting the information they need
- Able to manage their time effectively
- Skilled at using computers and Internet technology
Whether online classes are a good fit for you depends largely on your individual learning style, level of experience with computers and familiarity with the Internet. To find out if distance learning is right for you, take the online learning assessment provided by the Florida Distance Learning Consortium at

Do I need a special computer or software?
Requirements … what do I need?
Each student is responsible for having a computer or access to a computer, software programs and keyboarding skills as required for the course/program, and the following minimum information technology (IT) requirements:
• High speed Internet connection
• Latest version of an Internet browser such as Google Chrome (preferred for Blackboard), Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari
• Latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)
• Latest version of JAVA software (free)
NOTE: ChromeBooks may not be compatible for use as distance-learning systems – please check with your instructor.
How do online classes work?

- Discussion forums
- Chat rooms
- Blogs
What is the cost of distance learning classes?