CNC Production Specialist
Program Start Date January 7, 2025
Master Plan of Instruction Coming Soon!
The CNC Production Specialist program acquaints students with the basic manufacturing operations, such as safety, shop math, blueprint reading, basic Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), and metrology. Students will transition into performing tasks encountered in a manufacturing environment including selecting tools, raw materials, work holding, and the steps involved in preparing CNC equipment for operation. Students will also learn how to utilize CAD/CAM software to assist in performing tasks associated with running production on a CNC machine such as quality measurement and tool compensation.
The following table illustrates the program structure:
CNC Production Technician I
Course #:PMT0026
Hours: 300
CNC Production Technician II
Course #:PMT0027
Hours: 300
600 hours. Approximately 5 months
Monday – Friday, 8am – 2:30pm
Approximately $3,800
Final fees still to be determined
Employment Opportunities
Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $23+ per hour (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)
What You’ll Learn
- Shop & personal safety, accident prevention
- Shop math and GD&T for turning and milling
- Understanding set-up sheets & using them to select proper fixturing & tooling
- Tooling and mounting plans
- Presetting tools
- Programming zero points, working cycles, and start-up routines
- Test runs
Industry Certifications
- To be determined
Career Ready Skills
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
- Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
- Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
- Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
- Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
- Use technology to enhance productivity.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
Steps to Enroll
- Attend a Virtual Information Session
- Take the CASAS test, if applicable
- Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
- Apply for financial aid (official transcripts required)
- Provide appropriate residency documents
- Complete application packet
- Pay application fee
- To be determined