Real training. Real people. Real work.


3800 Michigan Avenue, Fort Myers, FL  33916

Professional Nursing (LPN-RN)

Full-time Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Program Starting Dates

July 2024 – June 2025 (all admission requirements due by May 12, 2024)
Classroom hours: Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Clinical hours: Tuesdays, 6:45 a.m. – 7:15 p.m.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
(TEAS must be taken in person.  We will no longer accept the online TEAS.)

Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Master Plan of Instruction/Handbook

Take a step on your career ladder. If you are a current Florida Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) you can train to become a Registered Nurse (RN) in one year.


The Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Program is designed to prepare students to pass the licensing examination and gain employment as a Registered Nurse (RN). The program includes classroom, simulation, and clinical experience in local healthcare facilities throughout Lee County. The average starting salary for an RN is $46,800.

According to the Florida Board of Nursing and the F.S. 464.019, the diploma nursing education program content includes but is not limited to at least fifty percent clinical training, and no more than half of that clinical training can be comprised of simulation. This program includes a professional nursing curriculum plan that documents the clinical experience and theoretical instruction in medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, geriatric, and psychiatric nursing, in acute care, long-term care, and community settings. The program provides theoretical instruction and clinical application in personal, family, and community health concepts; nutrition; human growth and development throughout the life span; body structure and function; interpersonal relationship skills; mental health concepts; pharmacology and administration of medications; legal aspects of practice; as well as interpersonal relationship and leadership skills; professional role and function; and health teaching and counseling skills.

NOTE: According to the Florida Department of Education, this is a Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) program. According to the Florida Board of Nursing, this is a Diploma Nursing program. This program does NOT provide an Associate Degree, however, graduates are able to sit for the same NCLEX-RN exam as Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree nurses leading to the designation Registered Nurse (RN).

Fort Myers Technical College (FMTC) is part of the School District of Lee County (SDLC). They are accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and COGNIA. Governing agencies for this program include the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), and the Florida Board of Nursing (FBON) under the Florida Department of Health. The FLDOE approved the Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Curriculum Framework for the program March 27, 2024. The Florida Board of Nursing approved the Diploma Nursing program with License NPRN70354 on March 23, 2023, and it has been issued the NCLEX-RN code #US70305400. According to FS 464.019(11)(c), a professional nursing program has five years to become programmatically accredited after the first students are enrolled. Fort Myers Technical College does not hold Nursing Accreditation at this time.


The Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) program is a 900-hour program. There is currently one start time per year for the accelerated hybrid bridge format. Classroom instruction is 0730-1600 (7:30 am – 4:00 pm). Clinical hours vary but generally occur from 0645-1915 (6:45 am – 7:15 pm). Clinical hours may include evening and/or weekend assignments and may be 9-12 hours long. Students must attest to being able to meet the demanding physical and mental requirements of the program on an Essential Functions form.

Applicants to this program must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED.

Nursing Transitions (and Program Orientation)
Course #:NSG080
Class hrs: 24
Online hrs: 39 (-1 Clinical)
Clinical hrs: 48 (+1)
Total hrs: 111

Concepts of Geriatrics and Pharmacology in Nursing
Course #:NSG081
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Psychiatric Nursing
Course #:NSG082
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Course #:NSG083
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Surgical Nursing
Course #:NSG084
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Pediatric Nursing
Course #:NSG085
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Obstetric Nursing
Course #:NSG086
Class hrs: 16
Online hrs: 38
Clinical hrs: 48
Total hrs: 102

Professional Nursing
Course #:NSG087
Class hrs: 34
Online hrs: 30
Clinical hrs: 27
Total hrs: 91

Senior Practicum Intensive
Course #:NSG089
Online hrs: 14 (-14 Clinical)
Clinical hrs: 72 (+14)
Total hrs: 86

1 OCP | 9 Courses | 900 Total Hours | Class Hours: 154 | Online Hours: 311 (296 w/o clinical| Clinical Hours: 435 (450 total)


900 Clock hours
Full Time: Approximately 12 months

Industry Certifications

  • This program prepares the student to take the NCLEX-RN


Admission to the Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) program is considered limited access. All applications will be reviewed by the admissions committee using the Selection Criteria Matrix. Top candidates from Stage 1 will be invited to additional on-campus appointments. During Stage 2, the appointments will consist of a personal interview, an essay, and further program information. In Stage 3 successful candidates will be notified by email to the contact information on file approximately one week after the close of interviews. You must RSVP to this email within 48 hours. If an applicant is chosen and does not respond to the email of acceptance within this window, the admission is automatically forfeited. Please note, it is possible to increase points on the matrix by submitting newly acquired qualifying criteria, such as volunteering, employment, retaking the TEAS, etc.

What You’ll Learn

  •  Thinking
  • Professional behavior
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Health promotion
  • Coordination of care
  • Health teaching
  • Quality of practice
  • Environmental health
  • Professional role
  • Professional practice


Students are required to purchase their embroidered uniforms. Further information will be provided at the scheduled Appointment.


  • Learning Management System – Blackboard
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Electronic Health Record systems
  • Google Classroom

Employment Opportunities

Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $18+ per hour in the following industries (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)

  • Hospitals – acute and long-term care
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Home health
  • Doctor’s offices
  • Clinics
  • Hospice care

Course Projects

  • Portfolio/Résumé
  • PowerPoint projects
  • Presentation on journal articles
  • Poster presentations
  • Simulation learning system
  • HESI case studies
  • Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI)

Career Ready Skills

  • Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
  • Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
  • Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
  • Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
  • Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
  • Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
  • Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
  • Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
  • Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
  • Use technology to enhance productivity.

Start Date

Tentative start date is July 2, 2024,
meeting Tuesdays for 52 weeks

Mandatory Orientation 7/2/24 (Tuesday)

  • Course 1 (Transitions): Jul 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug 6, 13
  • Course 2 (Geri-Pharm): Aug 20, 27, Sep 3, 10, 17, 24
  • Course 3 (Psychiatric): Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5
  • Course 4 (Medicine): Nov 12, 19, 26, Dec 3, 10, 17
  • Course 5 (Surgical): Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11
  • Course 6 (Pediatrics): Feb 18, 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25
  • Course 7 (Maternal Newborn): Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6
  • Course 8 (Prof. Nursing.): May 13, 20, 27, Jun 3, **10 & 12, 17
  • Course 9 (Senior Practicum Intensive): Jun 13-27 (Graduation Jun 30)

NOTE: The attendance policy is stringent. Students will only be allowed to miss a maximum of 45 hours during the entire program (year).

Steps to Enroll

  1. Step 1: Download and read each of the Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Information documents below:
    1. Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Disclosure Fee Sheet
    2. Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Application Process
    3. Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Application Packet with Admission Checklist
    4. Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Employment Documentation Form
  2. Step 2: Complete Stage 1 – Eligibility for the Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) program online.


    Do not start the application until you have gathered and saved all information to your computer. The application MUST be completed after you gather all documents. The form does not allow you to save and continue later. Application Form

    Please submit the following documents in the online application to determine eligibility:

    • Transcript from your practical nursing program(s)
    • Transcript from your high school or GED program(s)
    • If applicable, transcripts from ALL other college or university courses or programs
    • Valid and unencumbered Florida LPN License
    • Valid American Heart Association Basic Life Support card or e-card
    • Copy of your I.V. Therapy Course Certificate
    • Employment Documentation Form
    • If you did not complete your practical nursing program at a Florida Technical College within the last 5 years (2019 or later) you must complete the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) test. NOTE: TEAS tests taken remotely or from any other campus than FMTC or CCTC will not be accepted. If needed, submit ATI TEAS results. Please access the following link for the ATI TEAS study guide materials and online sign-up:
    • You will receive a DocuSign link AND a link to pay the non-refundable $45 application fee from FMTC by the email you provide online.
    • The deadline for applications is May 12, 2024, at 2359 (11:59 pm). Please note that LATE or INCOMPLETE applications will not be considered.
    • Those who meet the Stage 1 – Eligibility criteria will be contacted by email following the May 12th deadline. Those who are selected to move forward will be invited to sign up for a Stage 2 Appointment. Selection for an Appointment will be based on eligibility AND Practical Nursing and/or TEAS results, Practical Nursing transcript grades, Practical Nursing experience.
  3. Step 3: If you are selected for a Stage 2 – Appointment, please complete the following:
    • Sign up for an Appointment time during one of the available spots. The window for Appointments will be between May 21-31st. You will be emailed a link to sign up for an Appointment time.
    • At the time of the Appointment your Employment Verification Form  and at least TWO Reference Forms must be available to the interviewers. You may bring the Employment Verification Form and Reference Forms (in sealed envelopes) or have the facility send the documents directly to FMTC – Attention: LPN-RN Admissions by mail or email to The documents must arrive at FMTC prior to the Appointment date.
    • Submit Official Transcripts of High School, Practical Nursing, and all other Post-secondary Education. NOTE: Foreign transcripts, whether high school or post-secondary, must be evaluated and certified by an acceptable agency recognized by the School District of Lee County. Agencies recognized by SDLC can be found on the following website: 
      Only agencies listed on the above website are acceptable.
    • Part of the enrollment process includes providing verification of Florida residency for tuition purposes. Two documents are required; both must be dated at least one year prior to the student’s first day of class. The easiest types of Florida documentation to provide are a driver’s license, vehicle registration, and/or voter’s registration. Please bring original documents to be verified by the school. See the school website for a complete list of acceptable documents.
    • If you did NOT graduate from a Florida Technical College Practical Nursing (H170607) program in that past 5 years, submit documentation from your employer(s)/HR on company letterhead, verifying two (2) years full time equivalent (FTE 4000 hours) experience within the last four (4) years in acute care, long-term care (LTC), assisted living facility (ALF), rehab, or a clinic setting. Private duty, agency, and home care do NOT count towards these hours.
  4. Step 4:  Wait patiently. After all admission requirements have been satisfied, the Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Admission Selection Criteria Matrix will be utilized for selection into the program. All admitting paperwork turned in will become the property of the school and will not be returned. Criteria to determine the acceptance or declination of students includes graduation from a Florida DOE CTE framework Practical Nursing (H170607) program within the past five (5) years (2019 or later) and/or TEAS test scores, work experience, educational background including GPA, admission interview, admission references, and admission essay. If you are selected for the program, your acceptance will be emailed/mailed approximately one week after the close of interviews. You MUST RSVP within 48 hours of receiving your acceptance email to indicate your intent to enroll and attend the program.
  5. Step 5: Fingerprints, background checks, drug screenings, health screenings, and signed releases will be required seven (7) days prior to the first day of class (orientation). The Professional Nursing (LPN-RN) Program follows a specific non-redundant outline, so all courses are required in sequence and prior learning credit is not given.
