Real training. Real people. Real work.


3800 Michigan Avenue, Fort Myers, FL  33916

Medical Coder/Biller (Online Program)

First Monday of each month (except for July)

Students may meet with the instructor by appointment. Please Click Here for an Information packet for this class:  INFO PACKET REQUEST!

Set yourself up for a variety of occupational choices; work from home, consult, or work directly for a health care provider. Master the use of clinical vocabularies and terminologies. Work in a medical environment using advanced software applications. The Medical Coder/Biller program is recommended for anyone who is preparing for a career in a medical billing department at a physician’s office, clinic, or other healthcare entity. Demonstrate ethical and legal principles regarding the use of medical records and the billing process. The program covers human anatomy/physiology, diagnosis/procedure coding, and the ever-in-demand insurance billing section! Included in the instruction is the ICD-10-CM coding set which went into effect nationwide in October 2015. This program offers state-of-the-art technology to prepare you for the ever-changing medical records field. After completion of the program, you are ready to sit for the national certifying exam to become a Certified Professional Coder, CPC-A or Certified Professional Biller, CPB. FMTC is affiliated with the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) and offers the AAPC curriculum and onsite testing for your convenience. After obtaining your certification, you are prepared for a career in the exciting outpatient medical field.

For an emailed Information Packet for Medical Coder/Biller, please click this link: MEDICAL CODER/BILLER INFO PACKET.  

The program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety of healthcare settings as an entry-level coder, medical record coder, coding technician, coding clerk, or medical coder/biller.

THERE IS NO FEDERAL OR STATE FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE FOR THIS PROGRAM.  You must be able to self-pay or locate a scholarship or agency willing to assist you.

The content includes, but is not limited to, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, coding systems, fundamentals of disease process including pharmacology, health care delivery systems, basics of medical records services, ethical and legal responsibilities, safety/security procedures, basic data processing, and employability skills.

Students use Centricity by GE medical office software that is being used in thousands of medical practices across the country. Students access a database of patients, manage their appointments, post their charges, and create and process insurance claims. The Centricity software gives students real medical office experience in coding and billing which in turn gives them a distinct advantage when seeking employment.

FMTC’s online Blackboard web site is a ‘virtual’ campus, which means there are no actual buildings or classrooms. The Medical Coder/Biller course we offer online is mostly self-paced with a maximum time frame of 12 months. That means that all the readings and tests are available to the students for as long as they are enrolled, that students need very little interaction with instructors, and everyone can complete their work independently.

The online course offers the following benefits:

  • 10-12 months of training
  • Obtain the most up-to-date information on medical coding and billing
  • Study during times of your choosing
  • Reduce the overall time spent in training
  • Prepare for the AAPC, CPC, or CPB national certifications

Is Online Medical Coder/Biller for me?
Many people, for many reasons, choose to study at home through independent, Internet-based programs. Most find that independent study is a flexible method of acquiring job knowledge and skills at their own pace, often while maintaining full-time jobs. Independent, internet-based study may be a viable option for you if:

  • You don’t live close to FMTC
  • You can’t attend class for personal reasons
  • You prefer to study at your own pace

It takes self-discipline and commitment to study at home. In deciding if independent, Internet-based study is right for you, consider your ability to:

  • Establish regular study habits
  • Play an active role in your own education
  • Work out most problems independently
  • Don’t need a great deal of instructor interaction
  • Enjoy participating in online discussions

Online Medical Coder/Biller students may schedule an appointment to meet with the instructor, if needed.

For an emailed Information Packet for Medical Coder/Biller, please click this link: MEDICAL CODER/BILLER INFO PACKET.  

The following table illustrates the program structure:

Introduction to Health Information Technology
Course #:HIM0009
Hours: 90

Medical Coder/Biller 1
Course #:HIM0091
Hours: 350

Medical Coder/Biller 2
Course #:HIM0092
Hours: 350

Medical Coder/Biller 3
Course #:HIM0093
Hours: 320



1,110 hours
Approximately 10-12 months


Approximately $5,225
Medical Coder/Biller Fee Sheet 2425

Funding may be available to those qualified. Please contact: CareerSource Southwest Florida
6800 Shoppes at Plantation Drive, Suite 170 Fort Myers, FL 33912 Phone: 239-931-8200

What You’ll Learn

  • In-depth human anatomy and pathophysiology
  • ICD-10 CM Diagnostic Coding
  • CPT/HCPCS  procedure coding
  • Medical Office billing procedures
  • Preparation and management of insurance claims
  • Certification exam preparation

Industry Certifications

  • AAPC
  • CPC Certified Professional Coder
  • CPC-A Certified Professional Coder-Apprentice
  • CPB Certified Professional Biller

Employment Opportunities

Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $16+ per hour in the following industries (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)

  • Medical Coder
  • Remote Coder
  • Insurance Verification
  • Payment Poster
  • Insurance Specialist

Career Ready Skills

  • Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
  • Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
  • Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
  • Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
  • Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
  • Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
  • Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
  • Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
  • Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
  • Use technology to enhance productivity.
  • Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.


  • Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint
  • Centricity
  • Encoder Pro
  • AAPC Coder

Steps to Enroll

  1. Attend a Virtual Information Session
  2. Take the CASAS test, if applicable
  3. Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
  4. Provide appropriate residency documents
  5. Complete application packet
  6. Pay application fee

** Federal Financial Aid is not available for this program.
