Solar Photovoltaic System Design, Installation and Maintenance – Entry Level
Program Start Date: January 7, 2025
Master Plan of Instruction Coming Soon!
This program is a competency-based, applied learning program that develops skills in the field of solar / energy storage and provides a foundation in design, maintenance, and installation of various systems used in the residential and commercial environment. It provides students with the technical knowledge and skills needed to adapt a solar photovoltaic design; conduct a site assessment; read blueprints; and install, maintain, and troubleshoot a solar photovoltaic system. Students will learn basic electricity concepts in DC and AC electrical circuits, voltage, and electric codes, as well as practice hands-on basic residential wiring. Solar installation site assessments and design skills will be developed through hand sketches, use of IT Technology and Computer Aided Drafting software.
- Online Learning & Courses: To familiarize students with the basics of solar, electric fundamentals, energy, terms for parts, safety and procedures, they start with online courses.
- Advanced Innovation Training: With the advancements in energy monitoring, permits, design, engineering and even municipality communications, we take it a step further with our digital innovations training.
- Mentorship & Guidance: Understanding the skillset, career goals and proper path for each student takes time to get to know them individually, we pride ourselves in offering complete mentorship and assisted guidance.
- Hands-On Job Site Training: Finally, when it’s time to take it to the job site, students are confident in their tools, what it takes to complete a quality installation, and most of all, how to be SAFE!
The following table illustrates the program structure:
Solar Photovoltaic Design Installation and Maintenance Helper
Course #:EEV0205
Hours: 150
Solar Photovoltaic Design, Installation and Maintenance Technician
Course #:EEV0206
Hours: 450
600 hours. Approximately 5 months.
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Final fees still to be determined
What You’ll Learn
- Demonstrate the importance of health, safety and environmental management systems for various organizations.
- Learn the federal regulatory performance and compliance required of “Green” companies.
- Identify systems and their components.
- Conduct a site assessment.
- Read and interpret basic blueprints.
- Layout and coordinate a job.
- Adapt a PV design.
- Install solar collectors, PV systems and electrical wiring.
- Solar Installation on various roof types
- Battery Back-Up Systems
- EV Charging Stations
- Solar Pool Heating
- Solar Thermal basics
Industry Certifications
- North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)
Employment Opportunities
Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $20+ per hour (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)
Career Ready Skills
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
- Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
- Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
- Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
- Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
- Use technology to enhance productivity.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
Course Projects
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
Steps to Enroll
- Attend an Information Session
- Take the CASAS test, if applicable
- Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
- Apply for financial aid (official transcripts required)
- Provide appropriate residency documents
- Complete application packet
- Pay application fee