Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician
Program Start Date July 23, 2024
Start your own business! Work as an independent contractor! Make your own schedule! The choice is yours! Work on today’s technologically enhanced refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, washers, and dryers. Diagnose, install, maintain, and repair a wide range of appliances. Utilize advance diagnostic equipment in a modern facility to troubleshoot and repair complex systems. Upon completion, the student will earn the required Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) certification to handle refrigerants and the Professional Service Association nationally recognized Graduate Certified Appliance Professional (GCAP) certification. The Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician program is accredited by the Professional Service Association (PSA).
The Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician program offers a rigorous curriculum aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills. The program offers a broad foundation of knowledge and skills to prepare students for employment in appliance and refrigeration repair with items such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, trash compactors, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, microwave ovens, and window air conditioners. The curriculum will include communication skills, leadership skills, human relations, employability skills, safe and efficient work practices, electrical and refrigeration skills, analyzing, diagnosing, academic knowledge, high-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, and work attitudes. Laboratory activities are an integral part of this program. These activities include instruction in the use of safety procedures, tools, equipment, materials, and processes related to these occupations.
The following table illustrates the program structure:
Appliance Installation Helper
Course #:EER0391
Hours: 200
Laundry Technician
Course #:EER0315
Hours: 300
Cooking Appliance Technician
Course #:EER0392
Hours: 350
Cooling Appliance Technician
Course #:ACR0084
Hours: 350
1,200 hours
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Approximately $6,058
Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technician Fee Sheet 2425
What You’ll Learn
- Basic Electricity Principles
- Proper use of testing equipment
- Read wiring diagrams and timer charts
- Electric and gas dryer diagnostic and repair
- Top load washer diagnostic and repair
- Front load washer diagnostic and repair
- Dishwasher, compactor and disposal diagnostic and repair
- Electric and gas range diagnostic and repair
- Wall oven diagnostic and repair
- Microwave diagnostic and repair
- Brazing techniques
- Refrigeration diagnostic and repair
Industry Certifications
- EPA Section 608 CFC Certification
- PSA Graduate Certified Appliance Professional
Employment Opportunities
Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $18+ per hour in the following industries (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)
- Residential Appliance Repair Technicians
- Commercial Appliance Technicians
Career Ready Skills
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
- Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
- Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
- Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
- Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
- Use technology to enhance productivity.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
Course Projects
- Troubleshooting of all major appliances
- Brazing Projects
- Sealed System mockup construction
- In-house completion of bugged appliances
- 80% hands-on daily
Steps to Enroll
- Attend a Virtual Information Session
- Take the CASAS test, if applicable
- Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
- Apply for financial aid (official transcripts required)
- Provide appropriate residency documents
- Complete application packet
- Pay application fee
- Luis Gonzalez
- (239) 334-4544 ext. 391