Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R)
Program Start Date: August 7, 2024
Train for a cool career! Climate control technology is changing. The need for qualified HVAC technicians is expected to grow 34% from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. Rising demand for trained technicians will result in excellent employment opportunities. Troubleshoot and wire electrical motors. Diagnose environmental management systems. Install, maintain, and repair heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems. Students obtain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification prior to leaving school in order to be employed in any job that requires work with refrigerants. This program prepares students for industry certifications from the ESCO Institute – HVAC Excellence.
Classroom and shop experiences in the Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R) program enable the student to become proficient in the installation, repair, and maintenance of commercial and domestic air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Included in instruction is the theory and application of the basic principles involved in the conditioning of air. The operating characteristics of various cooling and heating units and parts are also studied. Blueprint reading and the use of technical reference manuals are included. The student will learn to troubleshoot and repair pumps, compressors, valves, electromechanical controls, and digital control systems.
Laboratory activities are an integral part of this program. The tools, test equipment, materials, and processes used in this laboratory are similar to those used in industry and include tools that utilize bluetooth and other wireless technology.
The following table illustrates the program structure:
Introduction to HVAC/R
Course #:ACR0000
Hours: 250
HVAC/R Fundamentals
Course #:ACR0001
Hours: 250
HVAC/R Service Practices
Course #:ACR0012
Hours: 250
HVAC/R Intermediate Service Practices
Course #:ACR0013
Hours: 250
HVAC/R Advanced Commercial and Industrial Service Practices
Course #:ACR0044
Hours: 350
HVAC/R Advanced Service Practices
Course #:ACR0045
Hours: 350
1700 w/ optional course
1350 hours. Approximately 12 months.
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Approximately $6,737
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R) Fee Sheet 2425
What You’ll Learn
- A/C Fundamentals
- HVAC Science
- Refrigeration Systems & Components
- Refrigeration Practices
- HVAC Electrical Systems & Components
- A/C Systems
- Heating Systems
- Heat Pump Systems
- System Design, Sizing & Layout
- Commercial Environmental Systems
Industry Certifications
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Certified Technician 608
- OSHA 10
- ESCO Employment Ready: Air Conditioning, Heat Pump, and Electrical; Light Commercial; Low GWP Refrigerant Safety
Employment Opportunities
Students who complete this course can expect to earn a starting salary of $15+ per hour in the following industries (Actual wages vary according to education, experience, and certifications.)
- A/C Service Technicians
- A/C Installers
- Refrigeration Service Technicians
- Building Controls Technicians
- Energy Auditors
- Test and Balance of Air Flows
- A/C Sales
Career Ready Skills
- Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
- Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.
- Attend to personal health and financial well-being.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.
- Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation.
- Employ valid and reliable research strategies.
- Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.
- Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
- Use technology to enhance productivity.
- Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.
- Interplay Learning
- Elite (residential load calculations)
- Gas Heat, A/C Heat Pump, Commercial Refrigeration, & Supermarket Refrigeration
- Delmar HVAC Simulations
- CatTrax
- Danfoss E-learning
- Micro Control Systems Magnum Controller
Course Projects
- Installation and Startup 10 Ton Trane System
- Preforming Maintenance on Campus A/C System
- Troubleshooting Different A/C Systems in Lab & on Campus
- Load Calculations
- Pipe Sizing For A/C Systems
- Diagnosing Air Flow Problem on Commercial Equipment
Steps to Enroll
- Attend an Information Session
- Take the CASAS test, if applicable
- Obtain official transcripts, if applicable (high school, GED, college, etc.)
- Apply for financial aid (official transcripts required)
- Provide appropriate residency documents
- Complete application packet
- Pay application fee
- Enrique Castro
- (239) 334-4544 ext. 364
- EnriqueCa@leeschools.net
- Kristian Rivera Munoz
- (239) 334-4544 ext. 347